News and Story Ideas

The following are suggestions of story ideas. Matthew Perosi is an expert in the field of internet marketing and mobile marketing with a long history on the internet. Matthew can speak on a number of topics, including: SEO, social networking, mobile marketing, blogging, web photography techniques, measuring human usability, website design, cost-effective marketing, business management, team management, location based services, how to tie all these and more together for a positive internet marketing strategy.

Please contact us with a specific request.

Understanding QR Codes and Avoiding Mistakes: Most QR Code marketing is deployed incorrectly. Most QR Code marketing campaigns bring users to the wrong website, incorrectly display information on the smartphone screen, mislead the users, or simply do not work. There's a lot more to QR Codes than simply generating the 2D barcode for your website. Testing is critical, unfortunately most code produce disappointing results






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Matthew Perosi